Memories of Lei


"When I was younger and in elementary, my grandpa would always have a puakenikeni lei for my sister and I for special occasions like birthdays, graduations, and May Days. I always thought he was Hawaiian, because he was as local as they come, with a perpetual tan, pidgin as standard language, and a habit of eating onions raw with Hawaiian salt and finishing a bowl of poi with this fingers."

Don't Wait, Make Time for Family

We don’t have that much in common, or at least I’ve always believed so. We don’t agree on religion. We are far apart on politics. We both are passionate about completely different things and always-- and carefully-- avoid all hot button issues when we’re together.

But on this day our conversation flitted from family to kids, to pets, to cooking. Mundane, boring, everyday stuff. Easy stuff.

And that’s when it sort of hit me—that’s enough. It’s more than enough.

Happy Times

Here is the one, precious photo of our son, his dad and me at my son’s college graduation.

Yes, my son’s eyes are squeezed shut. Yes, that’s typical for him. Ever since he was a tiny boy he’d hear, “one, two, three” and reflexively blink.

Oh, well. And who cares? Here we are in the great state of West Virginia, where Zach has spent four and a half years at Marshall University earning the right to wear that cap and gown. His dad and I are proud. HE’S proud.

I knew my scarves were fun. I didn't know they could be a source of strength.

"Aloha Jade, here are pics from before she was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer till now. She said she is still learning how to tie the scarves. The American Cancer Society offers classes and services for so many things and how to tie the scarves in various ways is one of them. Gina said the scarves are so soft and beautifully colorful that it makes her happy! Thank you again❤"