Serene in 2018

Serene~ by Jade Moon

Aloha, 2017. As we enter a brand, spanking New Year I'd like to draw your attention to the image above.

It's called Serene. It's what I wish for myself in the coming year. And I offered it as a prize to the person on my Facebook page who could give me the best list of wishes, hopes, and dreams for the year 2018. 

The winners were people who surprised me with their deeply personal comments. They aimed their hopes, not on themselves, but on loved ones. 

Here's Amy Vetrone with her big sister Deb Long and Deb's husband Ernie Long. The picture's a little fuzzy but you can see their love shining through the haze.
Amy Vetrone, Deb Long, Ernie Long
Here's what Amy wishes for her sis: 
"I would have to say that my wish for 2018 is for better health for my loved ones. I have a beloved brother-in-law that has some health issues affecting his mobility and his independence. He & my sister married just a few years ago and he is the best thing to come into her life! They had an intimate backyard wedding and she had Hawaiian Lei’s shipped in for them and their guests! I purchased a scarf for her from your collection as a reminder of those beautiful flowers and she loves it!!

"In the off chance that I might win...I would like it to be shipped to them! It might be a little bright spot during a bleak time during this health crisis. Perhaps this gorgeous image would bring some Serene enjoyment to them!"

What a GREAT sister. And guess what, Deb chimed in to comment on her sister's post.

"Ahhhh," said Deb, "the best little sister, EVER! Amy, thank you for this. Jade Moon Photography, thank you for your amazing work and my birthday gift from my sister. It already is making our lives better in so many ways! "
So-- it was obvious I had my winner, right?

Not so fast.

On the final day, Nalani Almarza posted this: "That’s okay If I’m late for the contest. I’m going to share anyway. 

"My wish for 2018 is for my 16-year old son to be healed from the aggressive brain tumor threatening to steal his life and our days with him be plentiful and not limited to what the doctors say.

"Also, I wish for my daughter’s and son-in-law’s hearts to be filled with peace as they recently lost their 8-year-old son to ALD (a deadly genetic disease).

"I wish that others would appreciate what they do have Instead of wishing for what they don't. I wish that people would stop taking life for granted and start living in the moment, for life is short and tomorrow is not promised.

"Remember to HUG your loved ones every day and tell them you love them."

Here's the only photo Nalani could find of her with her son. She has a Facebook group page set up for him called #Pray4OurHeroMAKA.

       Nalani Almarza and her son Maka

As Nalani says, life is short and tomorrow is not promised. 

Hug your loved ones every day and tell them you love them.

Mahalo, Nalani, Amy, Deb, and Ernie for reminding us what's important in our lives.

You're all winners. Your prints are on the way.

And may you have a joyful-- and serene-- 2018.

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